A community of passionate cyclists

We embrace the spirit of Zen philosophy as we embark on our cycling journeys.

Running Awards

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Active Members

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0 KM
Weekly mileage

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Success in Motion Bike Tour: Paving the Way to a Healthier Mind 🚴‍♀️🌟


About Zen Riders

Introducing Zen Riders

A community of passionate cyclists who embrace the spirit of Zen philosophy as they embark on their cycling journeys. We are a group dedicated to the pursuit of inner peace, mindfulness, and personal growth through the art of cycling.


Zen Riders harness the power of the present moment, finding tranquility as they pedal through scenic landscapes and challenge their physical limits. We believe that cycling is not only a means of exercise and exploration but also a pathway to self-discovery and well-being.

Vision Statement:

To inspire a community of passionate cyclists who embrace the Zen philosophy, foster mental well-being, and explore the transformative power of cycling for personal growth and interconnectedness.

Mission Statement:

Zen Riderrs is dedicated to fostering mental well-being, personal growth, and interconnectedness through cycling. We create a supportive community that breaks the stigma around mental health, promotes mindfulness, and inspires individuals to live with intention, balance, and harmony. Together, we ride with purpose, uplift each other, and embrace the transformative power of cycling for a mentally healthier society.

Membership Levels

Zen Explorers (Entry Level):

Beginners who are eager to explore cycling and embrace Zen philosophy.

  • Complete a minimum of 10 group rides or cycling events within a designated timeframe.
  • Attend a cycling safety and skills training workshop or demonstrate equivalent knowledge.
  • Show consistent participation by attending at least one group ride or event per month.
  • Utilize a Garmin Cycling computer to track and analyze ride data, such as distance, speed, and elevation gain.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to practicing mindfulness during rides by sharing reflections or insights with the group.

Zen Seekers (Middle Level):

Intermediate-level cyclists committed to personal growth and mindful riding.

  • Achieve a minimum mileage goal (e.g., 5000 miles) within a specific timeframe.
  • Participate in at least one organized cycling event or race during the membership year.
  • Share a personal cycling goal and track progress toward its achievement using a Garmin Cycling computer.
  • Engage in mindfulness practices during rides, documented through regular journaling or participation in group discussions.
  • Utilize the advanced features of a Garmin Cycling computer, such as GPS navigation and heart rate monitoring, to enhance training and performance.

Zen Masters (Highest Level):

Experienced cyclists who embody Zen philosophy and mentor others on their journey.

  • Cycle 10,000 miles per membership year, showcasing remarkable dedication and endurance.
  • Mentor and provide guidance to at least two Zen Seekers within the membership year.
  • Lead or co-lead a group ride or organize a cycling-related event, utilizing Garmin Cycling computers for efficient navigation and data sharing.
  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of Zen philosophy by sharing personal experiences and insights, including data analysis from Garmin Cycling computers.
  • Utilize advanced metrics and performance tracking features of Garmin Cycling computers to showcase cycling mastery and facilitate progress within the Zen Riderrs community.


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Our Programs

The best sports for You

Jogging Program

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Marathon Program

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Triathlon Program

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Our Events

Join Our Sports Events




Success in Motion Bike Tour: Paving the Way to a Healthier Mind

New York

City Hall

Hill Climb Marathon



New York

City Hall

Sprint Running Event



Our Sponsors

Sportsman Is What We Do

Jhonny Franco Runner

Aenean congue turpis ut erat consectetur finibus. Maecenas ultrices arcu at turpis interdum, a fermentum tortor scelerisque. Ut convallis libero turpis, ac congue neque pharetra vel.

Lucy Abraham Runner

Aenean congue turpis ut erat consectetur finibus. Maecenas ultrices arcu at turpis interdum, a fermentum tortor scelerisque. Ut convallis libero turpis, ac congue neque pharetra vel.

Wilson Smith Runner

Aenean congue turpis ut erat consectetur finibus. Maecenas ultrices arcu at turpis interdum, a fermentum tortor scelerisque. Ut convallis libero turpis, ac congue neque pharetra vel.

Our Team

Meet our trainers

Jason Dorres


Linna Holtz


Dinda Waltson


Sammy Golden


Start Running

Work Hard, Running Harder

Contact Us

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